The Seven Deadly Sins
The Origins of the Seven Deadly Sins The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins dates back to the Middle Ages, a period spanning from the 5th to the 16th century, known as the medieval era. During this time, the Catholic Church held a profound influence over society, effectively serving as the governing body of communities. The clergy's views and opinions held sway throughout society, shaping not only religious beliefs but also cultural trends. Within the realm of culture, there was a prevailing trend in art. Many artists, particularly painters, created a plethora of artworks, often commissioned by kings and patrons of the arts. These artists achieved fame, and their works became highly esteemed. The connection to our topic lies in the fact that the kings of the Middle Ages had the authority to commission artworks, often favoring those with religious themes. These commissioned works were preserved and admired by the monarchs, contributing to the widespread dissemination of paint...