
The Seven Deadly Sins

  The Origins of the Seven Deadly Sins   The concept of the Seven Deadly Sins dates back to the Middle Ages, a period spanning from the 5th to the 16th century, known as the medieval era. During this time, the Catholic Church held a profound influence over society, effectively serving as the governing body of communities. The clergy's views and opinions held sway throughout society, shaping not only religious beliefs but also cultural trends. Within the realm of culture, there was a prevailing trend in art. Many artists, particularly painters, created a plethora of artworks, often commissioned by kings and patrons of the arts. These artists achieved fame, and their works became highly esteemed. The connection to our topic lies in the fact that the kings of the Middle Ages had the authority to commission artworks, often favoring those with religious themes. These commissioned works were preserved and admired by the monarchs, contributing to the widespread dissemination of paintings
  I used to love drawing. It was my thing, my escape from the world. I just loved art. I remember my one and only scratch vividly. It was a rainy winter, yet the air was warm and comforting. I spent countless hours by the window, completely absorbed in it. The scene depicted an ancient temple on a hill, an angelic warrior standing over a fallen one, born from my admiration of art. Those days were magical. Each line I drew felt like a connection to a deeper part of myself. Since then, I just don't know what happened to me. Life grew complicated, and my passion for drawing faded. Responsibilities took over, and my sketchbook gathered dust. Yet, the memory of that rainy winter, the warmth, and the satisfaction of creating something beautiful stayed with me. As I look at my old scratches, I feel a flicker of that old passion. I was running from my depression into things I loved, which one day was art—all kinds of art. I was hiding in it from people and depression. It was my one and onl

I Once Loved You

From the moment we met, I was drawn to her. Everything about her fascinated me—the way she talked, walked, and dressed. Her face, smile, and hair captivated me. I remember her red nose in winter, her bright eyes in summer, her smooth black hair, and her happy face. Each detail made me love her more. As an introvert, I found it hard to connect with people, but I tried several times to get closer to her, though I failed. Years passed, and fate brought us together. The girl I had always admired became my one and only friend. We talked more and more, and she became my closest friend. I liked everything about her, especially the things we had in common. She completely captured my heart. I started to write her poems, inspired by her unique way of motivating me. We met and became close, like we were meant to be together. She was everything to me; she owned my heart and filled my mind. There are a lot to be told like I need years to describe how I felt for her. But our relationship became comp

Feelings are Memorised

She's still on my mind. Even though I've tried to forget everything about us and erase our past, she's still there. I can barely remember what she was like, just a few vague memories. It really hurts. I've tried to ignore it all, but she keeps appearing in my dreams, and I feel her presence around me.  Sure, we can forget all the things we've done before, but we can't erase the feelings we've experienced. They will haunt us from time to time, and each time they resurface, it becomes harder to deal with. "Our feelings stay with us, even when we try to forget. They pop up unexpectedly, making it hard to move on. Each time they return, it's tougher to handle. It's like our hearts remember, even if we want to forget."


the balance between heart and mind          In the tapestry of our existence, woven by the habits we cultivate, lies a profound narrative of stories that shape our thoughts and contribute to the intricate mosaic of our minds. From the earliest moments of childhood, the habits we form become vessels carrying fascinating stories within them. These stories, deeply ingrained in our consciousness, play a pivotal role in the development of our thoughts and the intricate makeup of our minds. Countless memories, stored within the recesses of our mental landscape, exert their influence, shaping and motivating us in various ways. As we traverse the diverse paths of life over the years, these memories and stories weave together, collectively crafting the rich fabric of what we come to recognize as maturity. Join me on a reflective journey as we explore the profound interplay between habits, memories, and the evolution of our minds, paving the way for an exploration of wisdom and maturity in our e

Harmony Amidst Chaos

Two friends were engaged in their own conversation while sitting in a room with windows down, and music up. The first one asked, "Why is the music so loud tonight?" Her voice barely audible over the pulsating beats. The main character turned to her with a wry smile. "Well, you know what they say: the louder, the better. It helps keep my mind from overthinking." The friend chuckled softly. "Overthinking, huh? What's been bothering you?" The main character walked closer to the window, gazing up at the star-studded sky, his thoughts a whirlwind amidst the urban cacophony. "Life, I guess. The choices we make, the paths we take. Sometimes, it feels like my mind's trapped in an endless loop, replaying every decision, leading to untold stories." The friend nodded in understanding. "I get that. It's as if we're on a constant quest for answers, even though the questions keep changing." The music throbbed louder, momentarily drown

The Fall Of Icarus

The tale of Icarus stands as one of the most renowned myths, brimming with invaluable lessons and insights. It serves as a profound exploration of ambition, freedom, and the consequences of pushing boundaries. The narrative encapsulates the potent force of ambition, highlighting humanity's innate yearning to realize dreams and aspirations. Icarus, confined and longing for liberation, harbored a deep desire to soar high above the constraints that bound him. When the opportunity arose for him to acquire magical wings from his father, Daedalus, he seized it eagerly, hoping to fulfill his dreams and attain the freedom he had yearned for. Icarus's yearning for liberation had grown from observing the world beyond the labyrinth, where he dreamt of escaping. However, Daedalus, acutely aware of the peril his son's ambition presented, issued a stern warning: "Oh Icarus, exercise extreme caution. Do not approach the sun too closely, for its searing heat will melt the wax that bin

Introverted Individuals: Navigating the Depths of Logical Thinking

Introverted individuals often find solace in their own world, a realm brimming with profound contemplations and introspection. In the realm of logical thinking, introverts wield a distinctive set of strengths and face unique challenges. One of the standout qualities of introverts lies in their innate capacity for deep analysis. They possess a remarkable ability to dissect ideas and information methodically, effortlessly connecting the dots. This aptitude equips them to craft well-considered decisions and effortlessly grasp intricate concepts. However, within this gift, a shadow lurks. Introverts occasionally grapple with the tendency to overthink. They can become entangled in a web of thoughts, endlessly scrutinizing every nuance and potential outcome. While this meticulous attention to detail proves advantageous in many scenarios, it can also culminate in what's known as analysis paralysis—a state where making decisions or taking action becomes arduous. Furthermore, overthinking c