I Once Loved You

From the moment we met, I was drawn to her. Everything about her fascinated me—the way she talked, walked, and dressed. Her face, smile, and hair captivated me. I remember her red nose in winter, her bright eyes in summer, her smooth black hair, and her happy face. Each detail made me love her more.

As an introvert, I found it hard to connect with people, but I tried several times to get closer to her, though I failed. Years passed, and fate brought us together. The girl I had always admired became my one and only friend. We talked more and more, and she became my closest friend. I liked everything about her, especially the things we had in common. She completely captured my heart. I started to write her poems, inspired by her unique way of motivating me. We met and became close, like we were meant to be together. She was everything to me; she owned my heart and filled my mind. There are a lot to be told like I need years to describe how I felt for her.

But our relationship became complicated. I couldn't tell her how much I loved her, and I'm not sure she even knew. But everything we had, everything I did showed her how much I love her. And she took advantage of my feelings, enjoying how I treated her differently. She played with my emotions, making me feel like I wasn't good enough. Why didn't she tell me that from the beginning? Why did she drain every single feeling I had for her? Why did she suddenly turn into someone that I don’t know? Acting like we’ve never knew each other, meeting new people while I still related to her. It broke me that I kept trying to make it work, even though she saw my weakness. She knew I loved her more than anyone else, and my life became a nightmare.

I thought I hated her for breaking me, but maybe it was just anger and sadness. Because a part of me still loves her—or maybe I just miss the person I used to be. I used to love with all my heart, be loyal, and strong. But she changed all that with her words and actions, turning me into someone I don't know anymore.

There’s so much more I could say about her, but I can’t. I hate how she's still in my mind. I hate how naive I was, unable to stop myself from falling for her. I hate that she’s still in my mind. While I'll never let her back in my life again, I’m not able to get along with someone else.

"To close the book, we must understand that this story is a reality for many. It is deeply moving, with a heartfelt expression of love, loss, and the pain of unrequited feelings. Her presence meant the world, and the journey—from initial fascination to deep love, and eventually to heartbreak—resonates with the raw emotions many have experienced.

The climax arrives when we acknowledge the complexity of these emotions. Love is rarely simple, and feelings of anger, sadness, and lingering affection are all valid. The conflict between the love felt and the pain caused by her is understandable. Ultimately, we must accept these feelings, learn from them, and then, finally, close the book."

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